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Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics and Editorial policies

Peer-review policy
Prior to the submission of the manuscript for consideration, please visit the journal catalog and the instructions for the author sections.

During the submission process, the authors/ deputy is requested to suggest a minimum of three experts who could be invited as the reviewer for the article. The journal editors are not obliged to propose any suggested/opposed reviewers to review your manuscript.

  • Terms and conditions during the suggestion of reviewers
  • Reviewer suggestion from the institution where the work has originated cannot be accepted
  • The Reviewers should not have any collaboration with any of the authors
  • The suggested experts should not have a prior intimation of the submission

In general, the author is considered to be the person or a group who makes a substantial intellectual contribution in the scientific investigation and in the drafting or revising the content. The author also must have approved the version published.

The submission must be accepted by all the authors and each of the authors must have considerable participation to take the responsibility of the corresponding sections of the content.

For a large, multicentre work, the contributors who accept the direct responsibility of the manuscript should be identified and must meet the authorship criteria. The other members of the group are listed in the acknowledgment section of the manuscript.  

The description of the author contributions should be stated in the Acknowledgement section to uphold the right to authorship.

Corresponding author: The corresponding author acts as the spokesperson on behalf of all the authors of the manuscript and will be a means of communication regarding the status of the manuscript at all the stages of the publication.

Working group, study group or any individual satisfying the basic requirements of the authorship can be listed as the co-authors of the manuscript.

The Scientific Hub Publisherslisher does not accept Ghostwriters or professional writers, individuals involved in funds acquisition, collection of data, or research supervision as authors and should be mentioned in the Acknowledgement section.

Scientific Hub Publisherslisher does not involve in the investigation or resolution of the authorship disputes. During the periods of the authorship disputes the article would be paused from processing and will proceed according to the guidance provided by the Author authors' institution(s) disputes.

Research ethics and patient consent
In cases where the manuscripts submitted include data related to the involvement of humans/animals or human/animal-derived products or the medical reports of humans should have approval from the relevant Institutional Review Board or the Ethics committee. All the researches involving humans should be strictly conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.  

Submitted manuscripts should be in accordance with the Recommendations of ICMJE for Conducting, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals.

In cases where the details/ results/images of the patients are utilized, information on the informed consent should be reported in the article text.

Information on informed consent to report individual cases or case series should be included in the manuscript text. For more details, please refer to the ICMJE Recommendations for the Protection of Research Participants.

Clinical trials
Scientific Hub Publisherslishers encourages the attempts to improvise the reporting of clinical trials. The prospective registration of the clinical trials in suitable open-access databases is one of the initiatives towards this policy. According to the guidelines of ICMJE registration of the clinical trials reported in the manuscripts submitted.

The trial registration number (TRN) and date of registration should be included as the last line of the manuscript abstract.

To ensure the complete publication of all the results, for the unregistered trials Scientific Hub Publishers encourages retrospective registration. The submissions dealing with these unregistered trials must include the phrase “Retrospectively Registered” in the abstract.

Plagiarism and Uniqueness
Scientific Hub Publishers is encouraging the author to follow strict guidelines and follows the standard Editorial Process to maintain high-quality content in the publications. In order to achieve such standards, Scientific Hub Publishers ensures to avoid plagiarism, redundancy of manuscripts, Duplicate submissions, fabrication and falsification of data.

Plagiarism: plagiarism constitutes the inappropriate use of other intellectual property. The duplication of the content (sentences/paragraphs) from already published or someone else’s work, even though cited in the bibliography section.
Plagiarism is not limited to text content but also includes duplication of the images and contents in the tables.

At the instance of plagiarism COPE guidelines for plagiarism will be followed

Duplicate submissions: The author could not submit the manuscripts which have previously published or under evaluation for publication, on such instances the submissions would be considered as duplicate submissions.

Fabrication and Falsification of data:  Data fabrication is making up data or results and recording or reporting the fabricated information without carrying out the study. Falsification includes the manipulating research materials, equipment, processes, changing, and selective omission/deletion/suppression of conflicting data without scientific or statistical justification.

Errors and correction
In case of errors in the published articles, the authors are obliged to notify the publisher. The corrections will be reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief, Handling Editor and the previous reviewers and a collective decision will be considered in the form of an erratum, or to retract the paper. As per the regulations of the National Library of Medicine's policy and International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)  some of the published articles could be retracted.

Copyright and Permissions
Transfer of copyright
To ensure that Scientific Hub Publishers has the authority over the use of your article to work with, reproduce or make it accessible to the readers, the authors are requested to transfer the copyright before publication.

The Copyright will be effective only for the articles which have been accepted for publication from the date of acceptance. This is not applicable for the articles which have been withdrawn or rejected from publication.

The copyright transfer includes:
    Transfer of copyright in their work to Scientific Hub Publishers in all formats and media;
    Authors retain their right to be identified as the authors of the article;
    The authors of articles will have the same rights as all third parties as described CC-BY license of the Creative Commons license.

For reproducing any illustrations, tables, figures or lengthy quotations the author would be responsible for obtaining permissions from the copyright holders and Scientific Hub Publishers does not deal with issues in such cases.

Editor obligations
The editor is responsible for ensuring the standards of the content published in the corresponding journal and maintain the integrity of its academic record. The editor’s decision regarding the manuscript should be strictly depended on the quality and scientific merit of the submission. The recommendations should be unbiased in consideration of the origin of the work or any personal considerations of the authors. The editor abides not to disclose or use any of the information in the submitted manuscript.

Reviewer obligations
Reviewers play a very important role in the maintenance of the quality of the published data by providing their scientific support to the editor through evaluation of the submitted data and by providing assistance in editorial decision making. The reviewers should fulfill the responsibilities in a timely manner avoiding personal or no evidenced criticism. Reviewers abide not to disclose or use any of the information in the submitted manuscript. The reviewer could suggest potential reviewers to the editors but are not entitled to share the information to a third party for assistance with prior approval from the Editors. To have an unbiased criticism over the manuscripts the reviewers should not have any conflict of interest with any of the authors, funders or research ideas.