Monday - Saturday, 8AM to 10PM

International Journal of Medical - Clinical Research & Reviews


International Journal of Medical - Clinical Research & Reviews is an international, open-access journal give special importance to publish research and reviews in the fields of general & scientific medical research and clinical practice. It also publishes valuable studies in Cardiology, Neurology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Surgery, Internal medicine, Orthopedics, Infectious diseases, and HIV/AIDs, Oncology and all related areas which come under the journal scope.

International Journal of Medical - Clinical Research & Reviews requests and encourages researchers to submit their brilliantly orchestrated topics or recent developments in the field of Clinical and Medical areas in the form of Research and Reviews.

Our journal strongly supports the Open Access initiative. All published articles will be assigned DOI provided by Cross Ref. International Journal of Medical - Clinical Research & Reviews will keep up to date with the latest advancements in the field of medical research. Abstracts and Pdfs of all articles published are freely available to everyone immediately after publication.

Authors are requested to submit manuscripts as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at [email protected].